Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bbs Pics How Many Pics Can This Camera Card Hold?

How many pics can this camera card hold? - bbs pics ...



Westwood Printers said...

It depends on the resolution of your camera. Here is a table with all variables.

wa98387 said...

It depends on the resolution you shoot. Overall, there is a table with the camera that tells you how many pictures appear of a certain size of the card and what resolution is.

If you include the make and model of the camera, I will present the information for you.

2560x1920 SHQ 32
104 HQ 2560x1920
HQ 320x240 30fps about 5 minutes.

This is for my camera with Olympus xD Picture Card.

However, I can cards of 128 MB. It is easier to change the nature of the recording.

God's Girl24 said...

I have a 2 GB card for my digital camera and has about 800 pictures. Hope this helps!

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