Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gas Airsoft Guns How Do Green Gas Airsoft Guns Work?

How do green gas airsoft guns work? - gas airsoft guns

I know that the green gas / propane is flammable, but I am sure that the green gas pistols switch does not work, the propane each photo. Since it is only preasurized or so, how they work. I am not a green gas pistol, but I have aa propane PVC rocket launcher that I built. Although the work of a spark ignited gas or propane inside the device. But it seems like green gas / propane as a function of CO2 is the case of CO2 Airsoft Guns, but I think it does.


pseudoto... said...

The gas pressure in the magazine, so if the shutter is released a burst of gas pressure, shooting the BB. Like every potato gun or air rifle or paintball gun

The weapons, which in the spring and electrical work for the same concept. The only difference is that the air pressure with a piston for the same period. The only exception is the LPG gas, which can continue to take in the atmosphere.

flyinggo... said...

It is the same as CO2 in CO2 pistols.

The pressure of the liquid propane in the magazine. Pulling the trigger releases the gas valve that is exposed to fluid pressure on the external pressure for a split second.
That makes some propane vaporizes instantly and transmit power of his departure from the MAG and the weapon for propelling BB, and that leaves the barrel.

No inflammation involved.

flyinggo... said...

It is the same as CO2 in CO2 pistols.

The pressure of the liquid propane in the magazine. Pulling the trigger releases the gas valve that is exposed to fluid pressure on the external pressure for a split second.
That makes some propane vaporizes instantly and transmit power of his departure from the MAG and the weapon for propelling BB, and that leaves the barrel.

No inflammation involved.

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